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Monday, April 4, 2011

Google AdWords- Weeks 2 and 3

Dear IMC Students,

It is hard to believe that we have about one month of classes left this semester! Wow.

If you haven't opened e-mail from me today, please do so, as it recaps important information re: our last few weeks of classes, amends the syllabus accordingly (to afford more time to our Google AdWords Campaign and/or time to prepare for your presentations). As my e-mail indicates, I wish to meet with every team PRIOR to your in-class presentations. As outlined in the e-mail, I will be sending you "Doodle" calendar information for each team. Further, please note that the team presentations have been extended for a week.

It is incumbent upon each team captain to huddle together, decide which date they'd like to present. Each team captain needs to contact their clients right away to ensure that either the client and/or client rep will definitely be here to hear presentations. Please let our clients know that we moved the dates to ensure that we had time to translate our Google AdWords results to best advantage for the client presentations.

Also, this week you will receive TEAM EVALUATIONS. They will be due in class a couple of days after you receive them. Well, as usual, we have a lot on our plates. But not to worry, we can do it!

See you soon,

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